Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Elam Art Archive

If you are a long-time follower of ROJ, you may have noticed that I have omitted a portion of the old site in this upgraded version. In fact, until now, I have neglected to even mention it. Rest assured, this was deliberate.

I'm speaking of my art.

I'm not REALLY an artist, you understand. I draw, but not particularly well. Most of the ROJ pieces I have done were created for one special reason or another, without any thought to making a big deal of them. However, before I knew it, I had enough that I had given myself my own gallery.

I was never especially happy with this development. While I have no intention to stop drawing, it didn't feel right to feature my work alongside folks who had put so much skill and care into their pictures. So, when I launched this new version of the site last year, I quietly phased out my gallery.

But fear not! If for some reason you want to see my ROJ art, I have organized a folder of it on my deviantArt account. Now, all of the pieces can be found in one handy location, for your viewing convenience.

Visit "My Return of Jetman Artwork" on deviantArt--if you dare!

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